Friday, February 28, 2014

Re-cap of February 27 meeting

     Thanks to all who attended the pre-meeting work session to prepare fabric for quilts to be made at the Children's Discovery Museum (CDM). We had 9 members selecting fabric, cutting blocks, fusing, drawing and cutting out shapes. Everyone was very generous with the fabric they brought and/or sent.

     We made progress but not enough. Another meeting has been set up at my house next week on Friday, March 7, 10:00. We will finish preparing 80 ziplock bags of each block. Plan to stay through lunch and we'll order pizza. I will send address and directions through email to all members.

     A sign up sheet was sent around. We need at least 6 volunteers to be at the CDM each time we are scheduled to be there Saturday April 12 and 19 and May 3 and 10. We only had two sign up for April 12 from 1:00 - 3:00. Please check your schedule and let me know if you are available that day. It will be best if we ride together, parking will be free but is limited.

     Here are the rules for the Self Portrait 2014 Challenge:

1. 50 % must be pieced or appliqued (which means only 50% can be painted, if you so choose)
2. It must be a finished quilt size 11 X 14
3. It must have a hanging sleeve
4. The self portrait can be realistic, interpretive or abstract
5. Self Portrait Challenge due at October meeting

     For those who wanted to check out the book catalog that Jackie had, google "Edward R. Hamilton Book Co". The glue that was talked about was called "E 9000" and can be found at various stores including Hobby Lobby and Lowe's. Also, it was mentioned if you want to put freezer paper through the printer for paper piecing you MUST use an inkjet printer. Inkjet printers do not use heat which can melt the wax on the freezer paper causing fatal damage to your printer!

     Show 'n Tell was fabulous as always. Josie will post pics. Our program, "Basket of Techniques" is going well. There is a whole lot of learning going on. This program opens up your mind and gives you skills you never thought you would have. For those who were absent from the meeting shoot me an email and I will pull two techniques for you.

     The last weekend in April, Jackie Cory will be teaching a weekend class at Home Harvest Retreat in Trenton, GA. I will get the specifics from her and post it. Also, Josie Dinwiddie is checking into a retreat weekend for our group. Life is good on, sleep, and quilt....ahhhh.

Take time to create,


Thursday, February 20, 2014

GreatFul Thread Art Quilters,

     One week from today, February 27, is our monthly meeting. We will gather at 4:30 to fuse and cut shapes for the Children's Discovery Museum quilts. We will be making two quilts with the children that will hang in the museum during AQS week. Please remember to bring good quality, bright colored fabrics you are willing to donate for the quilts.  Fat quarter size up to one yard lengths would be good amounts. Use your imagination when choosing fabrics. For example Robot Antennae fabric does not have to be just that but could be fabric that when cut out in the shape of an antennae looks like one. Colors and prints needed are as follows:

Planet and moon fabric
Celestial atmosphere fabric
Green for leaves and stems
Fun flower fabric
Tree trunk fabric
Yellow window fabric
Cloud fabric
house fabric (brick, stone, wood)
Roof fabric
Robot fabric
Robot antennae fabric
Sailboat fabric
Dinosaur fabric and/or bones
Solid colors or fabric that read as solid such as bright reds, blues, greens, orange, purple, brown and black

Keep in mind that we will pick and choose through all the fabric brought in and what isn't needed will be sent back to your stash!  We will need fabric for making the two quilts to hang and also fabric for the children to make a block at the museum and take home with them. Bring your fabric scissors for cutting and the larger size combination cutting/pressing mat if you have one. I will bring two irons, fusible, and ziplock bags. Thanks in advance to all who are able to there early. For those who cannot make it at 4:30, if we do not finish we will continue to work during the meeting so bring your fabric scissors just in case. Also, if you cannot be there early but would like to contribute fabric (and please do) drop me an email to arrange a pickup, send it with another member or drop if off at the Bernina Sew N Quilt Studio beforehand letting them know what it is for.

Remember to bring your February technique block for our program. If you were not there during  January and need me to pull techniques from the basket, you still have plenty of time to get that accomplished. Give me a call (706.934.3761) and I will do it over the phone. I will NOT forget to bring the basket of techniques this month, I promise!

Do not forget to bring your Show n Tell, it's the icing on the cake! It will be fun to see what everyone did while "snowed in". We will not begin our business portion of the meeting until the regular starting time of 6:00.

See you February 27,
