Saturday, June 24, 2017

Picture Re-Cap for June GT Meeting

Program for July will be painting Perch on Fabric

Another upcoming program, Landscapes in Fabric

Future landscape program

Miriam got her R.J. Hamilton order. Great book for 3 D fiber art

Program was on "Texture"
Jackie had kits made up

Each kit had a different background fabric
We cut the top layer of felt to reveal cotton underneath

Trim and embellishments were in the kits
We took them home to couch the trim, sew and stuff

Every kit was different

We could make them plain or extravagant 

The program was different ways to add texture to fabric
Karen's Vase Quilt challenge with 3-D flowers and woven fabric
Miriam's project made with Zen Tangle Initial from April program

Delores' Mary Kerr type quilt

Delores' Modern

Martha's teaching quilting to a friend's mother who has Althziemer's

Martha's piece woven with two fabrics
Brenda's Spool Challenge
Miriam's Spool Challenge

Denise's Spool Challenge

Member's hard at work

Nice to have Kim back and new members, Loraine and Sherry

One of the best aspects of GT, sharing info and ideas.

Jackie is sporting a new "Do", short, sassy and colorful!

Delores'  vintage  blocks  from her husband's family that she quilted and will give out at a family reunion.

Kim took a free motion class at Craft South in N'ville

Martha's one color background for Modern. Do you think blocks on the left are too dark to be included?

Our example for today's program on texture. Great program Jackie!