Saturday, January 30, 2016

Re-cap of January meeting

What an excellent turnout for the first GreatFul Threads  meeting of 2016. 19 newbies, former members and visitors were present. Thanks to the Jackie  and her sidekick, Karen, for a great start to a year of art quilting. Everyone needs to pull her weight so be thinking of what program you can present, no slackers allowed!

Our lovable host, Bill, let us know that Mr. Bernina, will be in Chattanooga, April 26, from
9:00-11:00. (Mr. Bernina is not his name, it's Head, not that either,  I didn't write it in my notes. My bad)  We each need to put that date on our calendar so that we can show him how special Bill and Melissa are to us.

Brenda Cregger will present a "Paper Quilting"  program for February. What fun! Hang onto your hat and be sure to eat your Wheaties that day.

I would like to thank everyone for the wonderful house blocks that were presented to me. A big surprise, who knew all these women could keep a secret for 3 months! I adore each of them and hope to have a show and tell with them next month.

This year we are once again having a monthly art work give away. Karen Sperry won Kim Callaway's needle book, see pics below. Karen will make the give away for February.

Brenda's English paper piecing

1 of 2 pink flamingo quilts by Tracey

The back is as interesting as the front

Karen Young made a bag from October's program

One of Jackie's show 'n tell


What a great winter project

Kim's give away, a needle book

Felt pages of the needle book

 Denise's 2015 Bird Challenge, better late than never!
 Program from Dianne Hire's book "Quilter's Playtime" Hopscotch, Tic Tac Toe blocks and Dangles
Project for program  by  Denise 

Miriam's wall hanging of her Dad's milk can

Miriam's gorgeous horses from art work
Sandi's "Faith, Hope and Love"

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Happy New Year!!I

Welcome to the year 2016. Do you have expectations for the year ahead?  One of my resolutions for the new year is to complete UFOs. Like you, I have several.  I must admit, I started during the month of December and completed three. So far, during January I have finished one, but hey, it's only the 9th of the month. I am sharing this resolution with my friend, Carole. We keep each other accountable and call often for progress reports.

Maybe your New Year's resolution is to practice more art quilting. If so, GreatFul Threads is here to help you. We begin the new year in 19 days, on Thursday, January 28. The time has changed to 3:00 so be sure to mark the date and time on your calendar.

I will present the program for January. We will be learning how to make two blocks, Hopscotch and Tic-Tac-Toe from Dianne Hire's book "Quilter's Playtime ". Bring 1/2 yard of a background fabric and a gallon size bag of small fabric scraps, as well as fabric scissors. If possible goggle Dianne Hire before the meeting so you get a feel for her work, it will help you to choose fabric scraps.

Don't forget to bring show 'n tell,
