Sunday, May 29, 2016

Re-cap of May GreatFul Threads

Thanks again to Brenda for filling in while Jackie was away. 9 members were present for the May 26 meeting.
Announcements made:
*August 11-14 Handiquilter event at our local Bernina shop. Art 'n Stitch and Pro Stitcher. Contact Melissa or Bill for info.

*It is now time to begin signing up for the putting up and taking down of  quilts for AQS this September. If you have not done this you DO NOT know what you are missing. I promise you, to touch those quilts (gloves are provided) and see them up close and personal, is pure pleasure.  This is the last year for Chattanooga to host AQS so take advantage of it.

*Edward R. Hamilton book sellers is one of the best places to find great quilting books for very little dollars. Also check out Book Outlet and Book Closeouts.

*Gail Greer's guild in South Pittsburgh, Stitchin Sisters, was gifted with the fabric stash of two fellow quilters who are now quilting in Glory Land. They are selling the fabric for 1.00/yd,  Gail is willing to bring it to your guild meeting, provided you do not meet where fabric is sold. Stitchin Sisters is using this as a fundraiser. If you have questions or would like her to attend your meeting please contact her. If you need Gail's contact info please let me know.

*TVQA will meet August 11 in Charlotte, TN. Kay England will be the speaker.

*Tracy Haney will be in Lithuania July 3-August 12 teaching ESL  (English as a second language). GO TRACY!  While you are there check out the local fabric and quilting community.

*The program for June will be "Altered Purses". Shop the back of your closet or at your local thrift store and bring a purse that has potential for change. Jackie has the program, any questions contact her.


Melissa and Sandi brought pendants made during the April program using alcohol ink and Mod Podge.

Brenda won the door prize, wool and flannel table runner hand stitched by Denise. 

Tracy, Vista and Sandi pin weaving.

Tracy's finished project.

Sandi's pin weaving under construction. You know it's Sandi's by the pop of chartreuse, one of her favorite colors.

Miriam's ready to remove her's from the cardboard.

Gail is ready to remove also. 

Vista has her's nice and tight.

Catherine was having great fun using her creative talents.

Melissa's from a side angle.

Brenda tied and knotted her embellishments on the top and sides

Brenda's pin weaving using glass head straight pins on a small box.

Sandi's modern wall hanging with matchstick quilting.
Sandi's Thoroughly Modern Mini she received through a collaboration of the TN Modern guilds.
Quilt of Valor that Gail quilting using her longarm.
Sandi's back basting applique. She turned a traditional block into a very modern one with her choice of fabrics and quilting.

Miriam's show 'n tell, a great buy on books from Edward R. Hamilton Book Sellers.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

April meeting recap and pics

It is almost time for our next GT meeting. Gadzooks!!!  I have not written up the April recap nor have I posted the pics. So sorry, the merry month of May has been ever so busy.

Thank you to Brenda for stepping in to lead the meeting while Jackie was away. The new classroom at Bernina is some kind of wonderful, how lucky we are to have this large and creative space to meet.

As you can tell from the pics below the alcohol ink on the washers was a fun April program. We seemed to have very little  control but the outcome was good regardless. A big thank you to Miriam for presenting. Remember to bring in your finished pieces for show and tell to the May meeting.

Speaking of the May meeting......the program will be weaving with pin looms. These wonderful, small woven pieces  can be incorporated into your art quilts.

See you on Thursday 26th, 3:00-5:00


Melissa spreading mod podge to the edges with a toothpick

One done and one to go

The variety of color seems to be endless

Because the Mod Podge Dimensional needs to set up, Miriam brought her toaster oven to heat set. The heat made some of them bubble only to even out later while setting up overnight. 

Used cupcake holders to heat set

Great color

Denise's wool paisley wall hanging.

Pattern from a 2015 December magazine.

Thoroughly Modern Mini 2016

It's all about me today!  I won the door prize. Thanks Brenda, it will look great on my wall of fame.
Brenda choosing the door prize participant.

                                                               Miriam's clothing quilt
Sandi's Thoroughly Modern Mini.