Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Welcome to GreatFul Threads 2015.

Welcome to GreatFul Threads  2015.  When you were a child did you ever ponder on what the world would be like “in the future”?  For whatever reason, the year 2025 was always my futuristic date. I was thinking about this last week and realized we are only 10 years away from what I deemed “the future”. If you watch the daily news programs our future is questionable. Although, if you, like me, hide in your quilting studio, only read quilt magazines and only watch quilt programs and quilt classes, our future looks like great fun and I can’t wait to jump in with both feet!!

We had thirteen members attending the January GreatFul Threads meeting. We are so GreatFul (har, har) to Bill and Melissa for hosting our group in the Bernina store for a second year.

The group is still collecting fabric, trim and recycle items for the Children’s Discovery Museum.  We decided to table the Blanket project in conjunction with the CDM due to lack of woman  power.

A retreat at Home Harvest in Trenton, GA is scheduled for April 24-6, cost approx. $140.00. Due to that being the weekend of AQS Paducah, it was questionable whether any members were able to go. If you are interested contact me, we need a minimum of 6 to attend.

National Quilting Day is March 21. Sandi Suggs, in conjunction with Hamilton Place Mall, has planned  “Stitch in the Mall”  to promote quilting and the Chattanooga Quilting Community. Eight guilds will be given a table to set up 2 sewing machines. Each guild will hang 2  36” square quilts ”. Shoppers can admire the quilts, talk to the quilters and get info on joining a guild that appeals to them. Josie is going to design a handout with information about GreatFul Threads. If you are interested in hanging a quilt or sewing, please contact me by February 1.

GT 2015 Challenge will be “Birds”.  Make it whimsical and add text to it. We discussed submitting our challenge to Chattanooga AQS 2016 but found out there will not be a challenge this year or next. In fact the only challenge is at Grand Rapids.  Hmm, was there not enough participation in the past? So, back to our question of  “What size  will our challenge quilts be?”  How about 30” X 36”? If anyone has a better suggestion….bring it on! 

There will be 4 of us going to the Children’s Discovery Museum February 14 to assist with the annual Make it Day. We will be helping the children sew pillows. The Museum needs help from 12:00 to 4:00. That happens to be the 2nd Tuesday of the month which is the day Modern Quilt Guild meets and several of us attend that until 12:00. If you are available and not in Modern it would be great if you could be there at 12:00 to assist and back up will be there as soon as we can grab lunch and get from E. Brainerd to downtown. Let me know if you can and I’ll get you a parking pass.

At the May meeting, in addition to our program we will be creating a multi-media project. Bring a square box, approximately 4” to the meeting. 

I want everyone to know that I used the soldering iron today and cut my synthetic fabric. It cut like butter and was SO MUCH FUN.  It could be addictive. I only burned myself once, my finger slipped but I very quickly put some aloe burn lotion on and it neither hurt nor blistered.  If you need to watch the youtube videos again they were, “Cutting Fabric with a hot knife” by Don McCunn, Fusing Fabric with Jane Davies, and “Craft Ideas with Textile Artist Margaret Beal”

Thanks to Josie for taking pictures and helping with the blog while I’ve been locked out. 

Next month, Vista will be choosing our program videos. This will be interesting to see just what strikes everyone’s fancy!

See you at the February meeting. Be sure to bring in a project you have created by fusing. Don’t forget to add some sheer fabrics you cut with your soldering iron!

Quilt every day, it takes the Winter blues away,


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Thursday January 22, 6pm at Bernina of Chattanooga, First Meeting of the Year!!!!!!!!!

Next week is our January GreatFul Threads meeting. We have much to discuss and I hope much to show 'n tell.  I plan on getting there early (5:00) to set up the computer with the TV. I will choose our first Youtube video for the 2015 program. 

I do hope this is going to be a good year with a lot of participation. I am looking forward to it and hope you are as well. 

See you Thursday at the Bernina shop. Meeting begins at 6:00.