Saturday, July 30, 2016

GreatFul Threads July Meeting Recap

This month's recap is in pics

When you finish your button prayer flags from the July program send me a pic and I will blog it before the August meeting.

Sandi Suggs gave a program on using buttons as embellishment.

She supplied a handout on stitching buttons using both functional and decorative stitching

We practiced button embellishment by making 6" square prayer flags

                                               June is using a button instead of the O in joy.

Gayle won the July door prize provided by last month's winner, Debra. This handmade polymer clay  button was part of the prize.

                                                   June using a button instead of the O in joy

Jackie's show 'n tell, full of summertime joy
Vista made this for Brenda using pin weaving from the May program
Miriam's altered purse from June program. She had to miss the meeting but still made the project, Miriam is no slacker!

                                                         Sandi's pin weaving from May meeting
Close up of Sandi's pin weaving

Jackie's bag with round ends

Melissa's weaving. She asked the group to bring art supplies (childrens) for Larry Burlington, her art teacher whose house/studio burned 

Catherine's quilt for friend battling breast cancer

Technique using cheese cloth, paper and matte medium

Back basting applique

Denise's quilt as you go table runner

 Wonky house beach scene

Delores' altered purse from June program