Saturday, October 28, 2017

GreatFul Threads Finale 2017

Karen's cathedral window ornament

Miriam's dove ornament.

Vista's screen stocking ornament

Brenda's felt ornaments
Martha was making quilted potholders using pre-quilted ironing surface fabric.
Margaret won the drawing.
Inside the lovely hand painted box was a set of hand painted and decoupaged coasters. The pic does not do them justice.
Denise showed an earring holder made from a record album.

Martha had key chain kits
At the meeting there was a table of goodies free for the taking. One crafter's junk is another crafter's treasure!
Vista made cards using a quilts she cut up. She stressed to never cut up a quilt unless it was beyond repair.

 One of her quilt cards was published in the latest Quiltfolk magazine in an article on Betts Ramsey.
 Vista had sent Betts a card and it is displayed in her home.
 How wonderful to have Vivian and Judy with us for the day. Judy made potholders as gifts and practiced her free motion quilting. Vivian showed a lovely framed embroidered stocking.
 Judy's potholders.
Brenda had lots of gift ideas using picture frames. 

 Margaret had beaded icicle kits.

Melissa had been to a workshop on free motion quilting.
Miriam brought the artist door prize this month. 
 It was a fantastic year of GT thanks to Jackie, Brenda, and participation of all the members.  We  especially want to thank Melissa and Bill Klingensmith for giving us a delightful home base at their Bernina shop.

The October meeting is a favorite program. Members bring in kits to share or demonstrate how to make quick and easy Christmas gifts. The pics will tell the story although I would like to apologize because my phone battery died and I did not get to finish taking them. If yours is missing please know it WAS blog worthy and not left out intentionally!
This handmade Vista card was presented to Jackie. Note the window screening from the previous month's program.
The group presented Jackie with a quilt of vintage campers. BTW if you know of one for sale please let Jackie know. She wants to use it as a traveling art studio.

Brenda, Margaret and Laura made her a tote bag with a camper block.

Delores' show and tell was a broken foot encased in a lovely boot.
Miriam's lovely garden applique quilt. Enlarge to see the garden gloves and pitchfork.

Denise's poinsettia Christmas quilt, finished early!

Martha cut up a quilt beyond repair and and made this artistic wall hanging.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

GreatFul Threads September meeting in pics

The September meeting was all about window/pet screening. Only Jackie Cory could make and show so many fun and useful ideas for it. Thanks Jackie for another meeting that made our brains come alive with creativity.

As usual October is the last GT for 2017. We stop due to the fact that Thanksgiving and Christmas fall so close to our 4th Thursday meeting day. It also gives us extra time to be in our studios creating great gifts. During the October meeting we will once again bring in simple gift giving ideas. Bring 10 kits to share OR bring an idea with 10 instruction sheets. For example last year  we had bookmark kits, cuff bracelet kits, Christmas card kits and microwave bowl koozy instruction sheets, to name just a few.

We will also have a table set up for anything you no longer want/need that someone else may have a use for. What a great way to clean out and make room for new art and crafting supplies. You just never know what you might go home with that you have been wanting to try just never got around to purchasing. Here's your chance...bring, share, take some with you and never open your wallet! Gift making never got easier than this! If you have any questions feel free to contact me or Jackie.

Miriam won the door prize, key fobs made by Martha Steele

Kim's goody bag from a class she took

Great patterns that Kim purchased

Sandi's bowl made from batiks and bendable stabilizer, see pic below

Jackie's latest crazy quilt creation

 Vista's mini quilt made with tie interfacing. Everything can be upcycled!
 Another of Vista's great mini creations
 Jackie make cards for a friend who raises goats. It says "Goat over this!"
Sandi has missed several meetings and had lots of wonderful show and tell. A wreath project
 Miriam's absolutely gorgeous quilt. Wow and Wow!
Class Sandi took. Made on a balsa wood punch out loom

 One of Sandi's hand woven scarfs
Another of Sandi's hand woven scarves

Table runner

Hand woven towel. She hasn't traded in her sewing machine....not yet anyway
 Class on shibori weaving
Hand woven scarf

Challenge project for Sandi's weaving guild
August program on landscape quilts

 Miriam's August program results
Jackie's vest from screening,  she adds to it over time

 Potpourri bag and painted bracelet, both made from screening
Christmas card holder from screening

Bag Denise brought made from screening