Saturday, February 4, 2017

Recap of GreatFul Threads first meeting of 2017

Denise shows a Valentine gift made from found and recycled objects.
New member Margaret's needle book.
Margaret's ongoing project.
Instead of hanging her 2016 pendants on a necklace Miriam made a wall hanging for hers. She got everyone's creative juices flowing.
June is the queen of zippered bags. This is her latest, a Nancy Zieman pattern.
Welcome to new member, Susan. This is one of two felted flowers she made.
Sandi's new obsession, branch weaving.
Miriam made a lovely centerpiece.
What came first, the chicken or the door prize?
Jackie gave away door prizes, chicken pin cushions.
Delores won the door prize made by Karen Young, gorgeous ice dyed fabric and an envelope style pouch made from it.
March Challenge and program. If you were not at the meeting be sure to get a vase pattern from someone who was there.
Was wonderful to have Karen back with the group. She was presented with a quilt.
Jackie gave us a challenge for June, take a handful of spools and create something....anything.
Miriam is using lots of color 
Brenda opted for a wall hanging instead of a draft dogger
Wonderful January 2017 GreatFul Threads meeting. How lucky the group is to have Jackie Cory once again leading us down the path of fiber arts. Brenda Cregger will be her assistant filling in when Jackie is out of town. Brenda will preside over the February meeting with a program of "inchies".

The upcoming month programs are as follows:
February- Inchies
March- Vase shape challenge with 3-D flowers
April- Zentangles on fabric
May- TBA
June- Textures
July- Printing with rubber fish
August- Vest made of screening
September- landscapes
October- Quick and easy holiday gifts

I apologize for the scramble of this blog post. This text is suppose to be at the beginning with all the pictures following. How it got near the end I have NO idea. I am most grateful that I have more control over my sewing machine than I have with this blog site.

Hope to see everyone at the February meeting.


January program  was a wool draft doger

Delores' draft doger with embroidery stitching