Saturday, August 26, 2017

August GreatFul Threads re-cap in pictures

Jackie was vending at the First Annual Ringgold Quilt Show, Brenda was in charge of the program on landscapes.

 Karen Sperry made kits for everyone.

Brenda is demonstrating how to put a simplified appliqued landscape quilt together.
Margaret working hard.

The same fabrics were in each kit but members brought their own blue background, this is Kim's.

Karen Young was doing some heavy thinking before assembling.

 June adding water and then stepping back. She is already getting great dimension in her features.
 Catherine fused her fabrics before beginning. Love the huge side bolder.
 Laura's mountains have an Alp shape. Brenda encouraged us to walk around and check out each other's ideas.
New member Jessie jumped right in without hesitation.

Margaret used a gradated fabric for her mountains in the distance, what a great color.

Vista is always methodical and has made several landscape quilts. See her show ' tell pics below.

Brenda has a wall of rocks. She can conduct the meeting, be in charge of the program and make her landscape. In other words she can bring home the bacon and fry it up in the pan!
Miriam has added three tall tree trunks to the right and cascading rocks, what a great look.

 New member, Jessie with a flannel quilt made with fabric she bought on a trip to Montana.
Margaret has been beading with buttons. Great color.

Denise's small mini swap quilt for the Modern guild.
One of Vista's landscape quilts complete with real seashells. 

 Another of Vista's landscape quilts with shells and beading.

 Miriam flowers have great depth, they pop off her background.
Brenda's vase quilt from a previous program. She gave it to her sister but had to borrow it back for show 'n tell! The beading and hand work is fabulous. 
 Karen's landscape quilt. She explained that the quilting is what made this landscape quilt have the depth and dimension that she was looking for.
Next month the program is on using window screening to make a vest. Members should be looking for a vest pattern to use and purchase screening. A supply list will be sent out. Denise has a screen tote that she will bring along with a pattern to share. Let's see what else we can come up with to use screening with!

Sunday, August 6, 2017

GreatFul Threads Re-cap July 27 in pics

August meeting will be "Landscapes".
Bring your examples and ideas for making landscapes.

July meeting was Gyotaku, the traditional Japanese art of painting fish using a real fish. No real fish were harmed in this art quilting program!

We did not use a real fish but one made from a man made substance.

Jackie had two and they both had amazing detail. This one is inked up and ready to print.

We used Speedball screen printing paint.

Brenda printed on her hand dyed fabric.

In between fish printing we stamped cards using fish stamps.

Miriam with her printed fish.

June can go home and fill in with fabric pens or paint if she chooses.

Adding paint with a small brush to the molded fish detail of fins and tail.

Melissa with her printed fish.

Delores' reverse applique from the June program.

Denise's reverse applique made into a pin cushion
"Make Art Here", Jackie has studio space at the Cleveland Workspace. She teaches classes, look up her website and contact her for a variety of classes. 
Martha Steele is making personalized tote bags.

Martha's appliqued  pillow.

Martha with her personalized tote bags.

Martha has been productive!

You can get great detail with needle punch.

Christmas in July!

Martha won the drawing. This is a plate decoupaged with fabric and paper on the reverse side. It is functional, be sure to hand wash. 

Jackie used one of the printed fish along with other fabrics to create this great design. 

Much like potato chips, Jackie cannot stop with just one fish.
Jackie's small quilt/table runner made from printed fish.