Saturday, September 14, 2013

Welcome to GreatFul Threads art quilting group

Thanks to Karen for hosting our September 7 workshop. Thanks also to Brenda, Gayle, Jackie and Karen for demonstrating techniques.  We spent the day making batik fabric, bleaching/stamping fabric, shave cream dyeing, drawing/painting pleasing faces, and dyeing fabrics. It was a day full of fun, fellowship and doing our most fabric thing...altering fabric.

Our next meeting will be September 26, 2013, at Bernina Sew N Quilt Studio at 5950 Shallowford Rd. in Chattanooga, 6:00 p.m. Come join us. Sandi will be our presenter for the evening. Her topic will be "Finishing Techniques" from Chapter 10 of Art Quilt Workbook written by Jane Davila & Elin Waterston..

Every day make a conscious effort to create,
Denise Ohlman



  1. Yes we had a grand time at the workshop. Thank you Denise this blog looks great.

  2. Nice blog, Denise!! Welcome to Blogosphere. This is a great way to share our guild and to get the word out about Art Quilts. Thank you for all you do for the quilting community and this group of quilters!!

  3. Great job on the blog Denise....maybe we could label the blog like just an idea we could start off with on Thursday....see ya' there.
